Gladiator I Will See You Again

I've always been a HUGE fan of Gladiator Beasts. That'southward why I was pretty happy when I heard that there would exist at to the lowest degree one new Gladiator Beast in Cardinal Origin. Simply can you imagine how thrilled I was when I constitute out that, not just would there in fact exist two Gladiator Beasts in Key Origin, but one of them is a Fusion monster that will find a identify in nearly every competitive Gladiator Beast Actress Deck!?

Gladiator Animal Nerokius
is the latest easy-to-Summon Gladiator Fauna Fusion Monster. Like every Gladiator Beast Fusion Monster before it, y'all don't apply Polymerization to Summon Nerokius. Instead, you just shuffle some of your on-field Gladiator Beasts back into your Deck to Special Summon it from your Actress Deck.

Once Summoned, Gladiator Creature Nerokius has an impressive 2800 ATK and tin't be destroyed in battle. That means it can take down most whatever monster in battle, and the monsters that it doesn't take enough ATK to destroy are equally unable to destroy Nerokius. Perchance even more chiefly, since Gladiator Animal Nerokius tin't be destroyed in battle, you lot tin can Special Summon it in Defense Mode in Main Phase two to make it impervious to the attack and effect of an opponent'south Number 101: Silent Award ARK.

In addition to protecting itself from monster attacks, Nerokius can protect itself from card effects. If your Nerokius attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Stride. That ways popular cards similar Dimensional Prison and Mirror Force are useless against Nerokius. You lot can always be confident that once you lot declare an attack with Nerokius, it will be able to successfully consummate its attack.

That's especially important because at the stop of any Battle Stage, if Nerokius attacked or was attacked, you lot tin can send it dorsum to your Extra Deck to Special Summon 2 more than Gladiator Fauna monsters from your Deck. There's no restriction on which Gladiator Beasts you tin can Special Summon from your Deck with Nerokius'southward event.

Here are some plays y'all can make after battling with Nerokius:

-You can Special Summon Gladiator Beast Bestiari and Gladiator Beast Equeste to activate their effects. And then you can fuse them together to Summon Gladiator Beast Gyzarus in Main Phase 2.

-You tin Special Summon Gladiator Beast Darius and Gladiator Animal Laquari. And so you can actuate Darius's outcome to Special Summon a tertiary Gladiator Beast from your Graveyard and Special Summon Gladiator Creature Heraklinos or Gladiator Animal Nerokius in Main Stage ii.

-You can Special Summon Gladiator Creature Retiari and Gladiator Beast Equeste to banish a pesky carte from an opponent'southward Graveyard and add together Gladiator Beast War Chariot from your Graveyard to your mitt.

-You tin Special Summon any other combination of two Gladiator Beasts to bargain with just about anything an opponent throws at you!

Whether y'all Summon Gladiator Beast Nerokius in Master Phase 1 to prepare a tough-to-stop attack, or Summon it in Main Phase ii to defend yourself with a tough-to-destroy monster, y'all can put Gladiator Creature Nerokius to incredible use.

You might be wondering, "Which Gladiator Beasts practise I demand to shuffle back into my Deck from my field to Summon this amazing Fusion monster with so many different effects?" (You lot also might exist hoping Gladiator Brute Torax isn't one of them.) Hither's the answer: Any three of them.

With defensive Trap Cards like Waboku, Mirror Forcefulness, and Dimensional Prison house making it easy to continue Gladiator Beasts on the field in near Gladiator Beast Decks, and effects from cards like Gladiator Beast Darius and Soul Charge making information technology easy to Special Summon Gladiator Beasts, Gladiator Beast Duelists ordinarily find themselves with 3 or more Gladiator Beasts on their field. When they practice, they now take the selection of fusing 3 of those Gladiator Beasts together to Summon Gladiator Brute Nerokius.

If y'all're looking for 1 more fashion to swarm the field with Gladiator Fauna monsters, you might want to try out Gladiator Beast Augustus.

Gladiator Beast Augustus
is a Level viii Gladiator Beast with 2600 ATK. When it's Special Summoned by the event of a Gladiator Beast, y'all can Special Summon i Gladiator Fauna monster from your hand in face-up Defense Position and shuffle that monster into your Deck during the End Phase. Similar most other Gladiator Beasts, Augustus tin can besides return itself to your Deck after it battles, and replace itself with a new Gladiator Beast.

Augustus tin practise a bunch of different things that Gladiator Beast Decks sometimes want to do.

First, since Gladiator Beast Augustus is a Gladiator Beast monster with an effect that Special Summons other Gladiator Beasts from your hand, it tin can assistance activate the effects of Gladiator Beasts that you draw. Normally, it's tough to activate the effects of your in-paw Gladiator Beasts. That's considering most Gladiator Beasts can just Special Summon other Gladiator Beasts from the Deck with their furnishings. Augustus can Special Summon a Gladiator Animal from the Deck at the terminate of a Boxing Phase in which it battles, but it can also Special Summon a Gladiator Beast from your paw when information technology's Special Summoned by the effect of another Gladiator Fauna. Since about all Gladiator Beasts have effects that activate when they're Special Summoned by the furnishings of other Gladiator Beasts, this versatility makes Augustus very powerful.

Second, Gladiator Animal Augustus can help swarm the field with Gladiator Beasts, then that y'all can Special Summon Fusion Monsters similar Nerokius, Gyzarus, and Heraklinos. Do you want to Special Summon Gladiator Brute Gyzarus, but have Gladiator Beast Bestiari in your hand with no Gladiator Beasts on the field? No problem! Special Summon Gladiator Animal Augustus from your Deck past using the effect of Examination Tiger or some other Gladiator Beast, and then use Augustus's effect to Special Summon Bestiari from your hand. Bestiari's effect will activate to destroy an opponent'southward Spell or Trap Bill of fare. Then y'all can fuse your two Gladiator Beasts together to Special Summon Gladiator Animate being Gyzarus.

Third, Gladiator Beast Augustus can help destroy powerful monsters in battle. Augustus's 2600 ATK makes it the only Gladiator Beast that y'all can Special Summon from your Main Deck to destroy an opponent's Stardust Dragon in battle without your own monster getting destroyed.

Gladiator Beast Decks accept access to lots of furnishings at all different times during a Duel. The add-on of Gladiator Fauna Nerokius and Gladiator Animate being Augustus to the Gladiator Animate being armory makes Gladiator Fauna Decks more powerful than e'er before! You can add together Nerokius to your Extra Deck and Augustus to your Main Deck when Primal Origin is released on May 16th!


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