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Debra I think it's a very counterbalanced approach. You lot have to know the schemes of the enemy in club to fight him. Nonetheless, she definitely focuses on the ability o…more I think information technology'southward a very balanced approach. You have to know the schemes of the enemy in order to fight him. However, she definitely focuses on the ability of God and armor he has given us.(less)

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December 09, 2016 rated information technology liked it
Love love beloved the accompanying videos, just there were several passages that I could not support her interpretation of Biblical texts. She has crawly, encouraging ideas, but several times it felt similar her spin rather than Biblically based. Just recommend you lot read the referenced verses for yourself and see where the Spirit leads y'all for interpretation.
quiltingbeautyandbooks ~ Stephanie
A powerful Bible Study!

Priscilla breaks downwardly the Armor of God into manageable, understandable and life irresolute $.25. I won't pretend I understood all of her questions because I didn't. Nonetheless, I got a better understanding when she went deeper in explanation and giving actually practiced examples.

This book challenged me to confront hurts and how to respond to new or even forth coming trials. She gave awesome scripture references and tools to incorporate in my life to maximize my life while actually putti

A powerful Bible Study!

Priscilla breaks down the Armor of God into manageable, understandable and life changing bits. I won't pretend I understood all of her questions because I didn't. However, I got a better agreement when she went deeper in caption and giving really good examples.

This book challenged me to face hurts and how to answer to new or even forth coming trials. She gave crawly scripture references and tools to incorporate in my life to maximize my life while actually putting on and wearing the Armor of God.

I paired this study with Havilah Cunnington book, Stronger than the Struggle (divinely inspired), causing both of these books to come up alive and existent in my eye and mind. Try it, you can thank me later on. ;)

ps: I am not by no means maxim that these books couldn't stand lonely and be powerful, just that when I combined them in my studies...🤯

Feb thirteen, 2016 rated it it was amazing
Excellent Bible study! This is the first exposure I've had to Priscilla Shirer and I found her to be a wonderful speaker as well as an engaging writer. The lessons were in-depth enough that I felt like I was getting some real sustenance, and were always applicative to everyday life. Highly recommended. Excellent Bible study! This is the get-go exposure I've had to Priscilla Shirer and I found her to be a wonderful speaker too every bit an engaging writer. The lessons were in-depth enough that I felt similar I was getting some real sustenance, and were ever applicative to everyday life. Highly recommended. ...more than
Apr 17, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
If I could give this study six stars, I would. Priscilla Shirer minces no words as she teaches on each part of God's armor in Ephesians. While there was always an interesting anecdote or analogy to assistance me empathise her teaching, her writing, and speaking on the companion videos, were compact and extremely efficient. Her education was and so effective this is the starting time time I could walk through this part of Scripture and really teach it to someone else. I'k disappointed it'south over and highly recommend! If I could requite this study 6 stars, I would. Priscilla Shirer minces no words every bit she teaches on each part of God's armor in Ephesians. While there was always an interesting chestnut or analogy to aid me understand her pedagogy, her writing, and speaking on the companion videos, were meaty and extremely efficient. Her didactics was so constructive this is the outset time I could walk through this part of Scripture and really teach it to someone else. I'grand disappointed it's over and highly recommend! ...more
Carrie Daws
Oct 15, 2018 rated information technology information technology was amazing
The study itself was incredible, but I read it in conjunction with Dressed to Impale by Rick Renner, and that fabricated information technology admittedly life-irresolute. I more clearly see where I was ho-hum or even not putting on pieces of armor, where I laced pieces on too loosely and allowing my enemy to attack--and win--battles that I needlessly gave him power over me. I clearly saw the lies I easily believe, and Priscilla Shirer pointed me to the truth to gainsay them and bolster both my defense and offense. Rick Renner' The study itself was incredible, but I read it in conjunction with Dressed to Kill by Rick Renner, and that made it absolutely life-changing. I more than clearly run into where I was deadening or even not putting on pieces of armor, where I laced pieces on also loosely and allowing my enemy to attack--and win--battles that I needlessly gave him power over me. I clearly saw the lies I easily believe, and Priscilla Shirer pointed me to the truth to combat them and eternalize both my defense force and offense. Rick Renner'south book added in the history of the Roman armor and dug deeper into the uses of each piece that sometimes Priscilla glossed over or didn't accept room to dive into, making the lesson fifty-fifty more than profound. Overall, I highly recommend this study! ...more than
Sarah Angliss
Aug fourteen, 2017 rated it really liked it
I would suggest this Bible Written report to anybody who is ages 13 and up and I would DEFINITELY suggest you doing this study with your mom or girl. The sole reason I gave this study four stars instead of 5 is considering some questions asked in this volume were a footling confusing and I didn't always know how to answer all of them. This books was definitely made for older women, older than piffling old teenage me. It definitely provides many spiritual lessons everybody in their lifetime needs to learn and less I would suggest this Bible Study to anybody who is ages 13 and up and I would DEFINITELY propose you doing this written report with your mom or daughter. The sole reason I gave this study iv stars instead of 5 is considering some questions asked in this book were a petty confusing and I didn't always know how to answer all of them. This books was definitely made for older women, older than little former teenage me. It definitely provides many spiritual lessons everybody in their lifetime needs to larn and lessons that can help us win this battle against the enemy, Satan. ...more than
Jan 16, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Absolutely outstanding. So grateful to have establish and done this study!!!
May 24, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I read this book with a group of women at my church, and enjoyed the conversation every bit well as the report. It's on Ephesians half dozen:10-19, Paul's description of the armor nosotros need to article of clothing in spiritual warfare.

I never tin can read that passage without thinking of the summer I spent sword-fighting my male cousin. We were both showtime-built-in teens, used to getting our style, and belligerent. Only instead of bickering, my dad had us duel in the backyard. He taught a higher-level fencing course and had brought dwelling house th

I read this book with a grouping of women at my church building, and enjoyed the conversation as well as the study. It's on Ephesians six:x-19, Paul'due south description of the armor we demand to clothing in spiritual warfare.

I never can read that passage without thinking of the summer I spent sword-fighting my male cousin. We were both first-born teens, used to getting our style, and belligerent. Only instead of bickering, my dad had us duel in the backyard. He taught a college-level fencing class and had brought home the foils (swords), helmets, and padded, cloth breastplates. The dueling did not always do good united states of america or resolve the disharmonize; I distinctly recollect that in one case we dueled over the last slice of block while our piffling sisters ate it! Just I tin all the same feel the weight of the helmet, the itchiness of the hot padding, and the feel of the sword in my hand. To me, these are real, concrete things, not just a story.

The situation in Paul's narrative is much more serious. Soldiers fight for their lives, and in this world, all of u.s. will face problem.

There were several things about Roman armor of the times that I had not known:

* The soldier'south chugalug was put on first, because it was a weight-bearing belt, much like a delivery commuter's dorsum bracing belt. It partly held the weight of the breastplate, and without it, the breastplate would accept been likewise heavy on the shoulders. As well, truth should back up us, and our acts of righteousness. The belt was also a source of a soldier'due south identification separating them from the citizens, and beingness without it was such a source of embarrassment that sometimes their commanding soldiers would take them go without information technology for punishment. Truth should be an identifying feature for u.s.a. likewise, and nosotros should be embarrassed without it (although our Commanding Officer would never club us to get without it. He'due south kinder than that.)

* I didn't realize that a Roman soldiers shoes (the gospel of peace) had cleats in the form of nails, although information technology doesn't surprise me. And cleats would have come up in handy to hold my basis whenever my cousin tried to drive me into the creek in our duels. Information technology wasn't one-sided; I drove him in that direction, likewise, on occasion, only nosotros were matched well enough that I don't recall either ane of u.s. ever getting a dunking over it. I do retrieve scrambling and sliding on the bank and cleats would have helped.

* The shield is the one function of the armor I wouldn't take any idea how to use properly from my fencing experience. Nosotros had no shields, apart from the knuckle-guards on the hilts of our own swords. I didn't realize that the type of shield mentioned as the shield of faith was the larger scutum, which was large enough not only to shield its owner, but role of some other soldier likewise. They were meant to exist linked together in a turtle germination to protect the soldiers from flaming arrows. Too, our faith isn't meant to be used alone; information technology's meant to exist linked to others' faith. Our faith tin can besides shield and protect those around us. Aye, they demand their own religion, but ours can exist a refuge for them at times. I can see this with our kids.

* I also idea information technology was interesting that the soldiers would dunk their shields in water so that they would really extinguish the arrows, not merely cake them. I had recently read a middle ages book with my teens in which the characters did only that. Apparently, putting out the flaming arrows were more than of a distraction to keep the soldiers' from noticing the real danger.

* The sword of the spirit, the Word of God, is the Rhema, the specific Word of God, speaking into our lives. The word for sword there was not the heavy, two-handed broadsword, just the short sword of shut combat, of the tricky situations and personal attacks. Probably, it would've been shorter than the French foil that I used. Every bit I said under the topic of the shield, the only shield I had was the knuckle-baby-sit of my own hilt. When I retrieve of a defense, I think of parrying a blow. It amuses me to see the four most basic parries - the just ones I ever learned - used in the movies. In item, towards the end of "The Princess Bride," Inigo Montoya, injured and expecting a death blow, uses those 4 parries. He's at his most pathetic and those were the only parries I e'er learned. (We too laugh at fencing scenes in diverse movies where they conspicuously accept no idea what they're doing.) But, the sword is an offensive weapon as well.

I liked the discussion on God's perfect righteousness and the righteousness Jesus gave u.s.a. at the cross. I can be grateful for that all the mean solar day long. All my life long.

I appreciated the listing of things for which we can be grateful, (p. 111) and information technology made me realize that I had several new slips of paper to put into the Answered Prayer jar.

I liked the passages where Jesus called someone's faith "little," and Priscilla Shirer's comment, "He is not challenging them to focus on faith; He is telling them to focus on Him." She also said, "Your shield of faith works because information technology is directly continued to the faithfulness of your God."

I liked Dr Caroline Leaf's study of neuroplasticity, about how negativitiy changes the structure and the "real estate" of our brains.

And although it has nothing to practice with this volume, I will say a couple of things I learned nigh this equipment, having used some of it. I'thousand far from an expert on fencing, merely I did learn a footling.

The kickoff matter I had to larn was to trust my breastplate and my helmet. I was intimidated by my cousin, and information technology sounded like I got a horrible beating, but I wasn't really hurt at all. I retrieve I just spent the first part of the summertime learning to only trust my equipment, and stand my ground. And God's armor is trustworthy. This is how He meant life to be lived, and more than that, He is with us in it.

My dad didn't want to train either one of us without the other. He idea that was unfair, but he did encourage me that, despite my many losses, and a man's longer reach, women make better swordsmen than men do. He wouldn't explicate that, merely let me figure that out on my own. To both our credit, I did, and later I learned information technology, and the matches were more evenly won, my dad explained information technology as boys tend to use more than brute strength, "hack and slash," while women tend to "use more finesse," by which he meant thinking, strategy, skillful grade. Or, as John Flannagan said, "Vi inches of steel will do the job as well as three feet of information technology." I laughed when I read that line on sword-fighting in the fictional Brotherband series. I knew exactly what he meant. Anyone who draws his arm dorsum to prepare for delivering a hard accident is leaving their entire chest open for a simple thrust, a move of vi inches, more than or less. More if y'all use skillful footwork and lunge into information technology.

In any case, nosotros were more evenly matched. Whether or not I became the meliorate fencer is ..., well, probably worth dueling over.

But I never got so self as to leave my armor off to duel. I tin can't imagine that. It would've been painful. We've got to put our armor on. Nosotros've got to utilize it.

Disclaimer: I am really not a violent person; I idea of French foil fencing as a sport, something to exercise with my dad and male person cousin, in that long-ago fourth dimension. I am actually most, but non-quite, a pacifist, and violence is one thing I don't like in books or movies. "For our struggle is not against mankind and blood, merely against the rules, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, confronting the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)

Jennifer Hale
Sep 22, 2017 rated it it was amazing
If I could give this Bible report ten stars, I would. I don't know if information technology's that this Bible study is the best I've ever washed or that information technology just came at a time in my life when I most needed it... either mode, it was amazing and life-irresolute for me. I went into information technology thinking that I already knew about the armor of God, only Priscilla Shirer put this in such a way that it was new and fresh, convicting, and incredibly applicable. I just cannot rave about this study and Priscilla's teaching enough.

Please practise

If I could give this Bible study 10 stars, I would. I don't know if it'due south that this Bible study is the best I've ever washed or that information technology just came at a fourth dimension in my life when I near needed it... either way, information technology was amazing and life-changing for me. I went into it thinking that I already knew near the armor of God, but Priscilla Shirer put this in such a way that it was new and fresh, convicting, and incredibly applicative. I simply cannot rave well-nigh this study and Priscilla'southward teaching enough.

Delight exercise this study. It's worth information technology.

...more than
Nov 05, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This bible study book was fantastic. The topic is a good one, and the mode that she asks questions and infuses other bible passages to await upwards is very beneficial.
It had practiced questions for grouping discussion (although they weren't specific grouping questions); each time our group plant questions from the week to talk over that were deep and immune usa to share our struggles and lives together.
Would probably do this study again every bit it'south not something that you larn once-and-washed.
This bible study volume was fantastic. The topic is a good ane, and the way that she asks questions and infuses other bible passages to expect upwards is very beneficial.
It had expert questions for group give-and-take (although they weren't specific group questions); each time our grouping found questions from the calendar week to hash out that were deep and immune the states to share our struggles and lives together.
Would probably do this study over again equally it'due south not something that y'all acquire once-and-done.
...more than
Bethany Eyre
Nov 10, 2021 rated information technology it was amazing
I did this study with a group and found it extremely practical and helpful. I was able to identify areas in my life where I wasn't accessing the armor of God and brand a shift. The teaching likewise provided a bang-up opportunity for people in the group to share honestly and vulnerably. I feel more equipped and inspired to pray effectively and with confidence in areas of my life. Highly recommend!
Dani Bruno
Mar 26, 2019 rated it really liked information technology
I wasn't sure whether to give this 1 three or four stars. She is a gifted servant of the Lord and had some amazing and useful analogies I volition never forget, but I would have loved more appointment with the actual Discussion of God and more than in depth homework.
Dec eleven, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Great Bible study! Loved the prayer strategy cards and the Actionable Intel at the terminate of each solar day's homework. Dandy Bible report! Loved the prayer strategy cards and the Actionable Intel at the end of each day's homework. ...more than
April 25, 2017 rated information technology it was astonishing
Excellent volume. I will be re-reading & re-reading it over & over again!!
Jul 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Absolutely one of the very all-time bible studies I have e'er participated in, also as facilitated. God is skilful, He is faithful, and He is right on fourth dimension.
Laura Smith
Dec 20, 2018 rated information technology it was astonishing
One of my all-time favorite Bible studies! I went through this book with a group of women a few years back and just went through it again at our new church building. Even a 2nd time through information technology wowed, challenged, taught, and inspired me! Priscilla'south teaching is knowledgable and engaging. The book had keen prompts and data. Highly recommend for all Bible-study lovers! One of my all-time favorite Bible studies! I went through this book with a group of women a few years back and simply went through information technology over again at our new church. Fifty-fifty a 2d time through information technology wowed, challenged, taught, and inspired me! Priscilla'south teaching is knowledgable and engaging. The book had great prompts and information. Highly recommend for all Bible-study lovers! ...more
A.C. Williams
Jun 12, 2018 rated it it was amazing
An extraordinary Bible study that challenged me in every area of my life. I thought I knew what information technology meant to wear the Armor of God. I truly had no thought until I completed this report. No matter what outcome you're struggling with in your life right now, this study will equip you to face it with God's power. An extraordinary Bible report that challenged me in every expanse of my life. I thought I knew what it meant to article of clothing the Armor of God. I truly had no thought until I completed this study. No thing what outcome you're struggling with in your life right now, this report will equip yous to face it with God's power. ...more than
Dec 02, 2019 rated it it was astonishing
Wonderful life changing bible report! It just shows that God knows me very very well 💛
Feb 22, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Great Bible study. The accompanying video portion is a must!
Nov 23, 2015 rated information technology it was amazing
This is a much needed Bible study! If you lot want a closer walk with God and a take chances to win the battle yous fight with the enemy daily, you need to be prepared. Priscilla will aid you do that with this study.

She begins with an Introduction to the report. And then each week has a starting point with a video and some questions to respond. It continues with a daily in depth study including Scripture reading and questions. I did not have the video, so it was hard to answer the weekly introduction

This is a much needed Bible study! If you want a closer walk with God and a take a chance to win the boxing yous fight with the enemy daily, yous demand to be prepared. Priscilla will aid you lot exercise that with this study.

She begins with an Introduction to the report. And then each week has a starting point with a video and some questions to answer. It continues with a daily in depth report including Scripture reading and questions. I did not have the video, and so it was hard to reply the weekly introduction questions, but the video lessons are bachelor through Lifeway for personal or group studies. There are six weeks of lessons, and each week has five days to work through, following the introduction. Subsequently calendar week one's "Sizing upwardly the Enemy", each week is well-nigh a role of the armor necessary to defeat our enemy.
Week two - The Belt of Truth,
Week three - The Breastplate of Righteousness,
Calendar week four - The Shoes of Peace,
Week v - The Shield of Religion,
Calendar week six - The Helmet of Salvation.
There are also v Digging Deeper sections. Session seven ties it all up with the Sword of the Spirit. There is also a Leader Guide in the back as well equally Prayer Strategies and cards to use with your prayers.

This book is certainly a wonderful tool for growing in the Word. It can exist used for personal Bible study at dwelling or peradventure a small-scale grouping study or fifty-fifty a larger grouping. The videos would be helpful for each weeks introductions especially if yous decide to use this as a group written report. Through this study of Ephesians 6:x-xix, Priscilla is helping us acquire how to put on and use the armor of God, besides as, pray! Her goal is for us to really pray, not but talk most information technology, or think near it, only do information technology!! I would recommend this report to anyone who wants to abound spiritually, but be set up, then enemy is not going to give up easily. You lot can exist victorious though, considering "greater is He that is in you."

I received this book from Lifeway bloggers in substitution for my honest review.

...more than
Mar 12, 2016 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: All Christian Women
Recommended to Marissa by: Christ Community Chapel
Priscilla Shirer has gotten quite the following since War Room was released, especially with the follow up of Fervent - yet this in-depth report of Paul'southward summary in Ephesians is total of wisdom and truth that fans of Beth Moore and group studies will appreciate.

Over the grade half-dozen weeks of written report and seven well-delivered video messages, you will uncover more than you e'er imagined in ten these fairly often quoted verses of scripture. Each week Pricilla takes ane element of the armor and breaks it

Priscilla Shirer has gotten quite the following since State of war Room was released, peculiarly with the follow up of Fervent - withal this in-depth study of Paul'southward summary in Ephesians is full of wisdom and truth that fans of Beth Moore and grouping studies will appreciate.

Over the grade half dozen weeks of study and seven well-delivered video letters, yous will uncover more than than yous ever imagined in 10 these adequately ofttimes quoted verses of scripture. Each week Pricilla takes one element of the armor and breaks it downwardly - she goes over the historical need for the armor, how Paul would have seen it as an example for the battle believers confront, and practical steps on how to familiarize yourself with it then that you will be able to stand business firm.

The study is designed for a small-scale group - with give-and-take questions for leaders in the back - withal if you are looking for some self-evolution, this study could be done on your own likewise (you simply might want to get a mentor or accountability partner...). Each week has five days worth of study and reflection that will demand you to engage your center, soul, and mind. Past the end of the seven lessons, you volition be battle ready, full of backbone and conviction to stand firm in the days that are ahead of you, non thing what they might agree.

Please consider stopping over and seeing my favorite quotes, as well as likes and dislikes on this amazing study!

Mar x, 2021 rated it it was amazing
I feel like Priscilla Shirer's The Armor of God is *perfect* during these chaotic times.

Sometimes nosotros may forget about unseen wars raging. I recollect first understanding spiritual warfare as a teen while reading Frank Peretti's books This Present Darkness & Piercing the Darkness. The Armor of God workbook focuses on teaching near each piece of armor mentioned in Ephesians 6:11-17 - the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvat

I feel similar Priscilla Shirer's The Armor of God is *perfect* during these cluttered times.

Sometimes nosotros may forget most unseen wars raging. I remember first agreement spiritual warfare as a teen while reading Frank Peretti's books This Nowadays Darkness & Piercing the Darkness. The Armor of God workbook focuses on educational activity almost each piece of armor mentioned in Ephesians half-dozen:11-17 - the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Shoes of Peace, the Shield of Religion, the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God).

For me, feeling prepared & having a plan helps reduce my anxiety & fears. This volume definitely helps you feel more prepared/less helpless. I'm so thankful for my grouping of local friends walking through this study with me!

Aug 08, 2016 rated it really liked it
This book was fantastic! I take read Ephesians vi so many times. This workbook by Priscilla Shirer explained it in a manner I had never read before. I feel I accept grown and then much after reading this book. I am amend equipped to exercise spiritual battle. I detect myself being able to utilize the truths I have learned almost immediately after recognizing it is Satan whispering his lies to me. He no longer has the power over me that he once did. I nearly gave it five stars. The only reason I didn't is because of This book was fantastic! I take read Ephesians vi and so many times. This workbook by Priscilla Shirer explained it in a way I had never read before. I feel I have grown so much after reading this book. I am better equipped to do spiritual battle. I notice myself being able to apply the truths I have learned nigh immediately later on recognizing it is Satan whispering his lies to me. He no longer has the ability over me that he once did. I about gave information technology 5 stars. The only reason I didn't is because of the questions. I skipped many. I didn't beat myself up about it though. Many others I have talked to did the same. I still consider this book a game changer. So glad I read it! ...more
Jul 25, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
Maybe information technology was my ain personal struggles at this fourth dimension, but this book actually spoke to me. I accept been having some feet and fearfulness and negative thoughts. In this volume, Priscilla describes how to ward off all of them. She labels those things as attacks from the enemy. This alone was freeing, only she also provided first-class strategies to fight against those attacks. Plus, it seems obvious that she has dealt with things and is writing out of the hurting and struggle in her own heart. As I prepare for a b Maybe information technology was my own personal struggles at this time, just this book really spoke to me. I take been having some anxiety and fear and negative thoughts. In this book, Priscilla describes how to ward off all of them. She labels those things equally attacks from the enemy. This lonely was freeing, but she too provided excellent strategies to fight against those attacks. Plus, it seems obvious that she has dealt with things and is writing out of the pain and struggle in her own heart. Equally I prepare for a big life change, information technology was bang-up to read and be reminded of the importance of prayer, and my identity in Christ. ...more
Jan 29, 2017 marked information technology as did-non-finish
I relish Priscilla Shirer's talks, but for some reason this study only hasn't engaged me. We're repeating the aforementioned things over and over about one segment of scripture and I experience similar the homework assignments are just chirapsia the dead horse, and the video sessions would be sufficient to tackle this subject. Maybe afterward. I savor Priscilla Shirer'south talks, but for some reason this study simply hasn't engaged me. We're repeating the same things over and over most 1 segment of scripture and I feel like the homework assignments are just chirapsia the dead horse, and the video sessions would be sufficient to tackle this subject. Maybe afterwards. ...more
Aug 21, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
2nd reading - But as good 2nd time through. The applied application of this particular study is one of its strengths. Merely so good.

This is everything you want in a Bible study - solid, convicting Biblical truth presented in powerful and engaging means, and full of practical application that tin can absolutely lead to transformation.

Nov 28, 2015 rated information technology it was astonishing
A must for anyone desiring more out of their relationship with God. Information technology challenged me on every folio which I didn't think was possible with such a familiar passage of scripture. I'1000 so glad I did this study. A must for anyone desiring more than out of their human relationship with God. It challenged me on every folio which I didn't think was possible with such a familiar passage of scripture. I'thousand and so glad I did this study. ...more
Jan 20, 2016 rated it actually liked it
Great report that I did with my ladies Bible study group at church. I underlined and highlighted so much of the volume, I think I should accept just left it blank, because at present the volume is completely full of my scribbles and highlights.
Dec 13, 2016 rated it it was amazing
What can I say other than that this is an astonishing bible study that came along at a fourth dimension in my life when I absolutely needed information technology. This was my beginning Priscilla Shirer study, but it definitely won't be my last. What tin I say other than that this is an amazing bible study that came along at a time in my life when I absolutely needed information technology. This was my first Priscilla Shirer report, but information technology definitely won't exist my concluding. ...more
April 10, 2018 rated information technology it was amazing
Washed this study twice. Bang-up information. Useful for learning how to pray. In that location isn't a formula but you lot'll acquire great ways to starting time a solid prayer routine and acquire tools to assistance fight spiritual battles. Worth reading, fifty-fifty for seasoned prayer warriors.
Priscilla Shirer is a married woman and a mom first. Merely put a Bible in her mitt and a bulletin in her heart and you'll encounter why thousands flock to her conferences and dive into her Bible study series' and books each year.

A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla holds a Primary'south degree in Biblical Studies and considers it a privilege to serve believers from every denomination and culture past helpi

Priscilla Shirer is a wife and a mom get-go. Only put a Bible in her hand and a message in her heart and you'll run into why thousands flock to her conferences and dive into her Bible study series' and books each year.

A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Priscilla holds a Master's caste in Biblical Studies and considers information technology a privilege to serve believers from every denomination and civilization by helping them to know the truths of Scripture intellectually and encouraging them to experience these truths practically past the power of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to Priscilla's participation in many church and para-church conferences beyond the globe each year, Going Across Ministries hosts AWAKEN – an outreach event in their hometown designed to encourage and mobilize women locally. This free gathering brings together thousands of women from different denominations and backgrounds several times a twelvemonth in an attempt to stir revival.

Going Across Ministries besides equips believers through books and Bible report resources. Priscilla has authored over a dozen video driven studies for women and teens on a myriad of Biblical characters and topics including Jonah, Gideon, the Exodus, discerning God's vox, The Armor of God.

Her books include Discerning the Voice of God, God is Able, and two New York Times Bestsellers – The Resolution for Women and Fervent: A Woman'due south Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer, which was named the 2016 Christian Book of the Twelvemonth. Her latest offer is a 365-solar day devotional called Awaken: ninety Days with the God Who Speaks. In 2016, Priscilla ventured into the globe of children's publishing with The Prince Warriors, a fiction 4-book series and accompanying 365-mean solar day devotional (Unseen) designed to equip tween boys and girls for victory in spiritual warfare.

Priscilla has been married to Jerry for 20 years. Between studying and writing, she spends most of her time cleaning upwards afterwards (and trying to satisfy the appetites of) their 3 growing boys – Jackson, Jerry Jr. and Jude.


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