Is Feedlot Beef Bad for You

Cattle graze in a Hawaii Isle pasture. Photo by Robert Hazen. Alliance for Science

If anybody in the world went vegan, it would solve both the greenhouse gas and biodiversity issues well-nigh overnight. Evidence shows that if people adopted entirely plant-based diets, the planet could easily support a population of vii billion while at the aforementioned time returning huge areas of land to natural ecosystems.

Unfortunately it's not going to happen. In fact, the world is moving the other manner. As developing countries sally from poverty, they shift inexorably towards more than meat and dairy-heavy diets.

So is all lost? Non necessarily. Veganism and vegetarianism are increasing in popularity in rich countries, driven past an sensation of the health, environmental and animal welfare benefits of eliminating meat. This demand reduction tin can exist an important future contributor to more sustainable agronomics.

But if the demand side is important, the supply side is probably fifty-fifty more so. There are large difference in the relative environmental impacts of unlike types of meat, and different production systems. Poultry, for example, is lower impact than pork, which in turn is lower impact than beefiness.

Beef is the big one, accounting for 41 percent of livestock sector emissions. Livestock product already uses nigh a third of the global land area, and cattle grazing expansion contributes to deforestation in loftier-priority conservation areas like the Brazilian Amazon.

Many meat connoisseurs in America cull grass-fed steaks, merely really this is environmentally speaking the worst option of all. In terms of land utilise, which is the metric that matters most for conservation, extensive (grass-fed) beef uses 15-20 times as much land equally intensive feedlot cattle operations. The figures for greenhouse gas emissions are less dramatic but still better for intensively-reared beefiness.

So does that mean you should ask for a factory-farmed steak side by side time you eat out? Conspicuously in that location is a trade-off, as Marian Swain and co-authors from the Breakthrough Institute and Oregon State University draw in a new newspaper entitled Reducing the ecology touch on of global diets (open access). And so-called CAFOs (bars beast feeding operations) can also be heavy on the employ of antibiotics, create pollution from manure lagoons and raise serious concerns almost creature welfare.

These trade-offs are real and heighten hard moral bug. Which is more important animal cruelty or the climate? But the authors as well show that there are synergies equally well: finishing cattle on grain does not necessarily reduce welfare, and tin can be a much more efficient way of getting beef cows to marketplace weight with less feed.

"Intensification practices like selective breeding and mod veterinarian care can dramatically improve productivity, especially in developing countries where livestock are often smaller and sicker than animals in industrialized countries," Swain and her colleagues write. Perhaps more controversial is their suggestion that "intensive production, including in CAFOs, can be responsibly managed to minimize fauna stress and contain environmental impacts, but policies are necessary to ensure best practice is followed."

Swain et al conclude: "Modern, intensive livestock systems can reduce the land employ and GHG emissions of meat production, most dramatically for beef. This offers an important opportunity to accomplish land sparing and reduced emissions even with projected increases in meat demand."

There is an of import terminal caveat, however. Shifting to more than land-intensive diets does not by itself spare land for re-wilding or conservation. Achieving this finish requires active policy intervention, such as zoning large areas ideally of the to the lowest degree fertile country for conservation or wild animals reserves.

One proposal that has begun to gain back up internationally is the idea of Half Earth the concept that humans should fix bated 50 per centum of the state and oceans for nature. According to conservationists, this would protect 85 percent of species from extinction a worthy aim for sure.

Only One-half Globe is a fantasy unless we can become a grip on global diets. That volition require both getting people to swallow less red meat, and likewise producing the meat that people exercise consume on the smallest surface area of land possible. That might mean abandoning some of our sacred culinary cows such every bit a preference for grass-fed beef in the process.


  • Agriculture


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