A safety first German holiday via a VTL: Avoiding crowds by hiking and staying in a forest cabin



A safety showtime German holiday via a VTL: Avoiding crowds by hiking and staying in a forest cabin

From skipping the oversupply at a fairytale castle to enjoying Black Forest cakes and getting seduced by onetime wooden cuckoo clocks, CNA's David Bottomley recalls his recent High german adventure.

A safety first German holiday via a VTL: Avoiding crowds by hiking and staying in a forest cabin

CNA's David Bottomley took a 10-twenty-four hours holiday, flying into Munich to explore the Bavarian Alps and the Black Forest – including Neuschwanstein Castle near the town of Fussen. (Photograph: David Bottomley)

13 November 2022 06:01AM (Updated: xix Nov 2022 eleven:42AM)

I had been yearning for a moment like this for many, many months. It was very early morning, and I had stepped outside the cosy Black Woods motel in which I was staying to cheque the weather condition.

The air was freezing cold, merely the clear heaven, with the get-go pinkish blushes of dawn streaking the inky dark blue of night, pointed to a beautiful solar day ahead.

The tempting smells of the sausage and egg breakfast that was being prepared combined with the autumnal aromas of fallen leaves and spruce trees to create a perfect blend.

What would the day bring? It was total of possibilities. There were trails to exist hiked, cakes to gustation and beers to be drunk.

The cabin which was David Bottomley'south Blackness Wood base of operations on his Bavarian holiday. (Photo: David Bottomley)

I take e'er loved travelling, and this moment on my beginning overseas trip in xx months since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic was a bright reminder of what so many people accept missed – the take a chance to experience something new and different away from home and the daily piece of work routine.


While leisure travel is firmly dorsum on the agenda with vaccinated travel lanes (VTL) betwixt Singapore and an increasing number of destinations, information technology'due south not a totally straightforward procedure.

When it was appear in August that a VTL would exist established with Germany, my thoughts immediately turned to taking a trip to one of my favourite countries.

But my enthusiasm was tempered past multiple questions: "What if Germany goes into lockdown? How will tourists exist affected?" "What if the VTL is suspended?" "What if I become infected while overseas?" And then on, then on.

Indeed, the experience with Denmark this week, which imposed quarantine restrictions for people arriving from Singapore, shows that things can change very quickly with VTL destinations. The dynamics have also changed significantly with Frg since I returned, with the country now seeing record case numbers and officials calling for action to tackle the spread.

You really need to have your wits about you even before getting on the plane.

However, after a lot of pondering, it seemed to me the just important question was the one about condign infected while in Frg, which could effect in being stuck there for a while with the associated inconvenience and expense.

But if I waited for all the dubiety to disappear, I would probably not be going anywhere for at least another twenty months. So I simply decided to plan a trip that would limit my exposure to possible infection to ensure I had the all-time take a chance of getting on my VTL flying back to Singapore.

This meant staying in self-catering accommodation to avoid crowded hotel lobbies and restaurants. It as well meant renting a machine rather than using public send. In situations where a mask was compulsory or advisable, I would article of clothing an N95 version with its actress protection. And I would use alcohol wipes and hand sanitiser at every opportunity.

Exploring the outdoors, such as Alatsee, a lake which is an easy walk from Fussen, is a great way to avoid crowds. (Photo: David Bottomley)

In terms of activities, the focus would be on the outdoors where I could avoid people, rather than visiting museums, galleries and other cultural attractions.

With this in listen, flying into Munich looked to be the all-time pick as within a brusk drive are the attractions of Bavaria and also the Black Wood. A x-twenty-four hours trip, with five days based in Fussen hiking in mountains and around lakes close to the Austrian border, followed by a few days virtually the Blackness Forest town of Triberg looked to be suitable for what I had in listen.


The journey to Munich was easy plenty.

The Singapore Airlines flight wasn't very crowded, which meant that keeping a bit of distance from other passengers was possible. Entering through Munich Airport was slightly more stressful, as it was busy. But everyone was wearing a mask (mostly N95 masks or their local equivalent, which seemed to exist the default option for most Germans throughout the trip) and condom distancing was observed in the fairly lengthy immigration queue.

The circuit around Weissensee is another picturesque hike shut to Fussen. (Photo: David Bottomley)

Later on getting to Fussen, the plan to avoid crowds went well for the first couple of days. There are plenty of delightful hikes around the town and the human being traffic was minimal.

That wasn't the instance on a visit to nearby Neuschwanstein Castle on a Sunday.

It started well enough, with no-1 on the 60 minutes-long walk through forests and over hills from Fussen to the castle. But around the network of car parks, shops and restaurants at the base of operations of the steep road that leads upwards to the castle, the crowds were huge.

This probably should accept come as no surprise. The castle, which is said to be Walt Disney's inspiration for the one in Sleeping Dazzler, is incredibly picturesque. And information technology makes for an easy day trip from Munich, bringing in fifty-fifty more people.

I had idea about going into the castle if the crowds weren't as well large. That turned out to be incommunicable every bit tickets were sold out for the day. And then, a strategic retreat from the castle'south battlements was in guild.

And so close yet so far... A view of Neuschwanstein Castle in Schwangau, Germany. (Photograph: David Bottomley)

My fallback plan was to walk to the base of Tegelberg, the one,900m mountain that is a brusk distance abroad, and then take the gondola to the top and hike around some of its numerous trails.

That plan also went amiss as the line for the gondola was very long and quite slow moving – and safe distancing didn't seem to be carefully observed.

Even worse was the idea of being squeezed in with 29 other people for the 10 minutes or so information technology takes the cable car to get to the mountain pinnacle. Even though everyone had to prove they were vaccinated and masks were compulsory, it however seemed an unnecessary risk.

So some other strategic retreat was in society. Instead, a walk dorsum to Fussen, while taking in the shores of Forggensee, the huge lake northward of the town, proved very enjoyable.

The mount views from the top of Tegelberg. (Photograph: David Bottomley)

Besides, deciding to return the next forenoon turned out to be a expert idea. In that location were only 7 other people on board the offset gondola out at 9am that Monday and even better was that the hiking trails around the mount – of which at that place are many – were largely deserted, making the rugged peaks and forested areas even more than spectacular. Without the distractions of big crowds, I could savour the beautiful tall views in peace.


But in case you get the impression that all I did on my long-awaited trip was tiptoe around crowds and explore the outdoors with a healthy serving of paranoia, remainder assured I thoroughly enjoyed playing tourist in Frg.

And in Bavaria, that likewise meant indulging in the region's famous cakes and checking out cuckoo clocks.

Ane benefit of a holiday centred on reducing the COVID exposure risk by hiking around mountains and through forests – and consequently burning calories – is that I could enjoy Black Woods cakes totally guilt-free.

At least, that was how I looked at information technology later switching location to the Black Forest where I was determined to unlock the appeal of the cake that takes its name from the vast wooded area that stretches for thousands of square kilometres.

Every single one I've tried exterior Germany has been a disappointment which, in theory, shouldn't be the case. Subsequently all, chocolate, cherries and foam are a winning combination.

The Black Forest cake from the cafe at Mummelsee. (Photo: David Bottomley)

Simply as I found out, it actually is quite dissimilar over there – the cake is generally much denser (almost getting into brownie texture territory in some versions), the foam is much thicker and cherries aren't a minimal addition to search for amidst all the gloop.

Of the eight or so versions I tried in the space of four days (yes, I hiked a lot), the all-time was from the Backhausle baker in the boondocks of Schonach. Information technology had a generous layer of juicy cherries, and the quantity of kirsch liquer was perfectly judged, giving the cake a sharp tang rather than an alcoholic fire.

The runner-up came from the buffet at Mummelsee, halfway along the Blackness Woods High Road, the 60km stretch between Freudenstadt and Baden-Baden which offers plenty of viewpoints along the style. The Mummelsee cake had less of a cherry-red presence, but the cream was sugariness and succulent.

As far as avoiding crowds was concerned in the second half of my trip, Mummelsee was the merely place where a little bit of evasive action was needed. The Black Wood High Route is very popular, and even on a slightly rainy day in late October, the car park at Mummelsee was total as people stopped off for a  intermission.

Otherwise, the vastness of the Blackness Forest makes it a skillful place to visit if avoiding crowds is a priority.

The Triberg waterfalls are a short walk from the centre of the boondocks. (Photo: David Bottomley)


Mummelsee also has a cuckoo clock shop – as does nearly everywhere in the Black Forest. The epicentre of the trade is Triberg. If you want a cuckoo clock, this is the place to visit. Not merely are there cuckoo clock shops on every street corner, the town is also home to what claims to be the earth's biggest cuckoo clock.

Yes, equally function of the travel experience, I went into a lot of cuckoo clock shops throughout the Black Forest to adore the craftsmanship and complex designs.

In the case of the biggest, most complex and more than expensive ones, these came with mechanical dancers, wood-chopping lumberjacks and derisive chaps quaffing a local brew while dressed in traditional leather shorts.

This cuckoo clock claims to be the starting time ever earth'south largest. (Photo: David Bottomley)

While they are a charming presence in traditional German guesthouses and restaurants, I had e'er thought that one would be a kitschy, incongruous addition to the walls of my HDB flat.

But resistance proved to exist ultimately futile – at each shop I entered, an assistant would ever be keen to showcase the cuckoo phone call on multiple clocks.

I am at present convinced that "Cuckoo! Cuckoo!" is simply code for "Buy me! Buy me!". Which is why I'thousand writing this in Singapore while beingness regularly interrupted by the cuckoo-ing of my newly-acquired Black Forest clock.


As the end of the trip got closer, so did the COVID-xix test I needed to take before boarding the VTL flight dorsum to Singapore.

While I had congenital the itinerary to exist as low-risk as possible, it couldn't be completely without risk. This was particularly so in the last role of Oct, with Frg seeing a meaning increase in daily cases.

This meant there was a sure amount of nervousness throughout the vacation, with every cough and sneeze assessed to come across if it could be the beginning of something more significant.

And the wait for the PCR test result took me back to my A-Levels, when I had no idea how well I had washed. I was hoping for the best, but fully prepared for the worst.

And then, the negative outcome came as a huge relief.

In fact, I'm happy to report the entire VTL experience was a cakewalk. Although checking in at Munich aerodrome took longer than usual, it wasn't too much of a hurting.

I had everything on hand to show the assistant working her way through the list of things she needed to run into to confirm that I qualified for the flight, and the procedure was washed in less than x minutes.

Dorsum in Singapore, the PCR test on arrival at Changi Airport was fifty-fifty more straightforward.

The test surface area is a short walk away from the luggage carousels, and the unabridged testing process took about eight minutes. In that location are plenty of cheerful staff to guide tired passengers through each stage, from registration to exiting. In fact, even with the PCR test, the whole process of getting through Changi took no longer than in the pre-COVID era, which is testament to the efforts which accept gone into making the experience every bit smooth as possible for travellers despite the safety measures in place.

The PCR exam result – which was negative – came through in about iv hours.

While COVID-19 remains a risk, some people will understandably decide to await earlier venturing overseas for a holiday.

Only the VTL scheme has opened up destinations which were previously airtight, and there is now a chance for a foreign vacation without too much hassle. Risks can be reduced with careful planning.

Indeed, I'grand already thinking about another overseas trip. And my cuckoo clock seems to have moved on from saying "Buy me! Buy me!" to request "Where next? Where adjacent?".


Source: https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/travel/germany-singapore-vtl-munich-holiday-travel-287506

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