Good Old Games Goes New


Good Old Games has some pretty big plans for the future, including the addition of some skillful "newer" games to its lineup.

We all know aside immediately that Salutary Anile Games, better known these days American Samoa, is an amazing source of classic, DRM-available videogames, tuned up to go on new PCs. That sounds pretty Atomic number 59-ish, but it's true. Only next year, the GOG guys are leaving to set off muscling in on more mainstream dominio with the addition of some not-quite a-so-secondhand releases to its lineup.

"We will represent adding newer games into the catalog in 2012," Managing Director Guillaume Rambourg aforesaid. "Traditionally, has looked for swell classics that are three years old operating theatre elderly. We will continue to add classic games, of trend, but we are actively working to sign newer titles now."

The new games will come in at a higher Leontyne Price channelis than the classics GOG presently carries only will still be completely DRM-free-soil and admit extra depicted object, like wallpapers, avatars and soundtracks. Rambourg likewise said that the platform's ongoing success has turned the tables a piece and that publishers are now coming to GOG to postulate it to carry their games.

"We want to work closely with determined developers and independent publishers who feel a relationship with that 'good sexagenarian spirit' that embodies," helium said. "Thanks to the commercialised success of The Witcher 2 on, increasingly people understand that our values are oecumenical. They are future day to GOG and asking if we can carry their titles."

40,000 copies of The Witcher 2 oversubscribed through GOG, a respectable amount although still hardly a divide of the 200,000 copies sold done Steam. GOG plans to have more than 400 games in its catalog past the end of 2012.


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